National parks could easily become a tourist destination. If you search for places to visit any country, chances are included in the list are their national parks. In Malaysia alone, there are around five national parks that have been attracting tourists and locals alike. But are national parks really good for? Are they just for tourism? Why do governments around the world continue to invest in these parks?

National Park

It turns out that tourism and recreation are mere by-products of maintaining a national park. Besides having a place to go to the primary importance of these types of parks is to preserve the natural wealth of a country or a community. Without massive support being poured into the sustainable development of these parks, natural resources can be easily abused, and or will easily deteriorate. This is why it is important to preserve the natural bounty within the park.

Home to endemic species, biodiversity

Most if not all of the national parks serve as home to endemic species, which is why it remains crucial to protect the integrity of these parks not much for the people who visit, but for the species that thrive in it. Other than endemic species, a lot of biodiversity indicators can also be found in national parks, including forest cover, flowers, insects, and birds. These species can aptly determine whether there is still a healthy biodiversity in the country amidst all the development. Protecting these species and preserving their home, the country is able to nurture its natural wealth, as well.

Impact beyond the park

Did you also know that aside from providing you with a place to relax, national parks also contribute to our overall health and wellness providing us clean air and water, as well fertile soils for more plants to grow on? A national park can even protect us from the ravages of flooding and landslide.

It is due to this significance of national parks that administrators ensure to include an information campaign to its guests. These parks are one of the best venues to explain to adults and children alike the state of the environment, and how they can contribute to protecting it. The view that comes with a park is already an exhibition of what awaits the human race if we do our part in saving Mother Earth. National parks teach lessons that are not necessarily taught within the four walls of the classroom. This is also the reason why the management of these parks makes sure to accommodate educational tours, as part of their advocacy campaign.

In Malaysia, you can find most of the national parks and reserves in Sarawak, one of the Malaysian regions with the richest diversity. So during your next tour, never miss the chance to visit at least one national parks or state reserves in order to appreciate and learn more about a country’s environmental policies and priorities. There are also a number of activities that can be enjoyed in a park making the entire experience more memorable. But, always remember the common rule when visiting any park, take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.